Using Font Awesome to Create Social Icons

Font Awesome is a really useful tool that provides developers with free access to hundreds of different icons and symbols to use in the projects in place of images and pngs. The great thing about using Font Awesome icons is that because they’re technically characters instead of images, the colors and sizes of the characters can easily be customized using CSS style rules. You can even really easily add hover effects and styling for active and visited states by using the CSS pseudo elements (:hover, :active, :visited).

One really great way to take advantage of these Font Awesome icons is by using them to create social media icons — you know, those buttons you’ll find on almost every site that links to a site’s social media presences. Usually these are created in photoshop and uploaded to a server, but if you’re planning on creating simple or basic social media buttons, Font Awesome is a great, lightweight option to create them easily without having to use images. Keep reading to check out how it’s done.

Get Font Awesome Library

You can download the Font Awesome library and place it onto your server to link to, but if you want an even more lightweight option, you can simply link to their library in the <head> section of your HTML files or at the top of your StyleSheet using the @import rule. See the code you can use to link to the Font Awesome library below:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


For this example, let’s create icons for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. To see a list of ALL the Font Awesome icons and their accompanying code, head over to this page. Here’s the HTML you’ll need to get started:

<i class="fa fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<i class="fa fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<i class="fa fa-instagram" aria-hidden="true"></i>

The results of the HTML above should look something like this:

Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 2.46.29 PM


To really make these icons unique we need to add some styling. Let’s turn them into rounded icons, and let’s add some colors to reflect the brands of each social media network. Take a look at the CSS below to see how it’s done.

 i.fa.fa-facebook, i.fa.fa-twitter, i.fa.fa-instagram{
 border-radius: 100%;
 font-size: 28px;
 height: 38px;
 line-height: 40px;
 margin: 5px;
 text-align: center;
 width: 38px;
 border: 1px solid #3B5998;
 color: #3B5998;
 border: 1px solid #00aced;
 color: #00aced;
 border: 1px solid #833ab4;
 color: #833ab4;

After applying the CSS above, your social media icons should look similar to this:

Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 2.58.52 PM

Styled beautifully and reflecting the brand identity of each platform!

Extras: Hover Effects

Now that you’ve got your icons styled, adding hover, active, visited, etc effects using pseudo-selectors is really easy. A cool hover effect to add is to change the opacity of the icons when they’re hovered over. To do that, you just need to add the following CSS:

i.fa.fa-facebook:hover, i.fa.fa-twitter:hover, i.fa.fa-instagram:hover{
 opacity: .6;

Compare the icons in the image below with the one above, and you’ll see that the opacity of the Instagram icon is less opaque than the others or than the one in the image above — that’s because it has the hover effect applied to it.

Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 3.01.34 PM

Creating a Window Text Effect with CSS

One of the best things about CSS is that it gives developers the tools to create things that normally would have to be created with photo editing or illustrator software. One of the coolest effects you can achieve using only CSS is the versatile and super simple window text effect. This is an effect you can add to your projects as a header, a logo, a hover state…the possibilities are endless. And the best part is, it’s relatively easy to achieve from scratch.

To start, you’re going to need to pick a cool image or color that you want to use as the background for your page/container. Then we’ll begin with the HTML.


The only HTML for this effect that’s absolutely essential is a div tag and a text tag (the bigger the better, so we used an h1 tag) somewhere within that div:

<div class="container">
<h1 class="window">COOL TEXT</h1>


This effect is achieved entirely using CSS code. First, we’re going to import a font (we’re using Droid Sans, but feel free to experiment with your own font-family), assign that font-family to the HTML, and set up the cool image that we chose as the background of our container div:

font-family: ‘Droid Sans’, sans-serif;

background: url(../sky.jpg);
background-size: cover;

That’s the easy part. Now it’s time to style the h1 tag. To style our h1, we’ll want to position it on the page using the left, top, and transform properties, change the positioning to position: absolute to ensure that all of the text remains positioned on the page once we apply the window effect, and set a large font-size and line-height property so that the effect is visible. It’s also very important that the background of the h2 tag is a dark color (we used #222) and that the color of the text is white (#fff).

 position: absolute;
 top: 30%;
 left: 50%;
 transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
 font-size: 100px;
 line-height: 80px;
 text-align: center;
 padding: 30px;
 color: #fff;
 cursor: pointer;
 background: #222;

The result of the above CSS will leave you with a result looking like this:

Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 4.19.16 PM

As you can see, the “window” effect hasn’t been applied to the text yet, because the text is white and opaque. To make the text transparent, you’ll only need one more line of CSS: the mix-blend-mode property. The mix-blend-mode property defines how an element’s content should blend with the background. When you apply it to light text on a dark background, the text will become see-through. Here is the final line you’ll need to add to the h1’s style:

  mix-blend-mode: multiply;

Your final result should now look like this:

Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 4.18.44 PM

Customize the code in this tutorial by adding your own text, images, colors, etc. Get creative and be sure to include this effect in one of your next projects!

Create a Featured Ribbon Effect Using CSS

We’ve all seen those box, rectangle, or square shaped HTML elements that feature a “ribbon” draped around one of its corners to signify that this element is somehow different from the rest. The text in the corner ribbon might read “Featured” or “Limited Time Only” or “On sale!” Whatever the ribbons may say, they usually do a pretty good job of grabbing the users’ attention and letting them know what’s unique about any particular HTML element that the ribbon is applied to.

This Featured Ribbon effect is actually one that can be easily implemented using minimal CSS. The effect is created by the use and manipulation of the span elements and the :before and :after pseudo selectors. To see how it’s done, check out the example below.


The HTML in this tutorial couldn’t be more straightforward. We’ve got an image inside of a rectangular div…and that’s pretty much it. The other div, the one with the class .corner-ribbon, makes up the featured ribbon that will appear on the corner of the element.

<div class="container">
 <div class="corner-ribbon">
 <h4>Cool Feature</h4>
 <img src="" alt="placeholder image" />


The CSS for this effect is a lot more involved than the HTML, but it’s still actually quite simple. By using the :before and :after pseudo-selectors in conjunction with transparent borders, the shape of the featured ribbon is easily created. Absolute positioning and playing with the z-index (you may need to increase the value of the z-index property depending on your project), the ribbon is featured prominently in the top right corner of the element.

@import url(,700);

 font-family: 'Quicksand';
 background-color: #e6e6e6;

.container {
 width: 220px;
 height: 300px;
 position: relative;
 border:1px solid #444;
 background: #fff;
 margin: 25px auto;

.corner-ribbon {
 position: absolute;
 right: -5px; top: -5px;
 z-index: 1;
 overflow: hidden;
 width: 75px; 
 height: 75px; 
 text-align: right;

.corner-ribbon span {
 font-size: 12px;
 color: #fff; 
 text-transform: uppercase; 
 text-align: center;
 font-weight: bold; 
 line-height: 20px;
 transform: rotate(45deg);
 -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
 -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);
 width: 100px; 
 display: block;
 background: #E37676;
 background: linear-gradient(#E37676, #DB5858);
 box-shadow: 0 3px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
 position: absolute;
 top: 19px; right: -21px;

.corner-ribbon span::before {
 content: '';
 position: absolute; 
 left: 0px; top: 100%;
 z-index: -1;
 border-left: 3px solid #E37676;
 border-right: 3px solid transparent;
 border-bottom: 3px solid transparent;
 border-top: 3px solid #E37676;
.corner-ribbon span::after {
 content: '';
 position: absolute; 
 right: 0%; top: 100%;
 z-index: -1;
 border-right: 3px solid #E37676;
 border-left: 3px solid transparent;
 border-bottom: 3px solid transparent;
 border-top: 3px solid #E37676;

.container h4{
 padding: 3px;
 text-align: center;

.container img{
 display: block;
 width: 175px;
 margin: 0 auto;

After adding all of the above CSS to your stylesheets,  you should end up with a final product that looks something like this:

As always, the colors, content, positioning, etc are meant to be totally customized to reflect your project. Play around with the code and have fun with it!

The Ten Best Star Wars CSS Snippets

In honor of Rogue One‘s recent release, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite (and the very best) Star Wars related CSS code snippets around. These snippets are yours to use, customize, or add to any of your space-themed projects.

1. Pure CSS Star Wars Lightsaber Checkboxes

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This pure CSS snippet creates the lightsabers of everyone’s favorite Star Wars characters — Luke, Vader, Yoda, and Obi Wan. They’re created by adding a lot of different styling techniques to checkbox input fields, so that the lightsabers’ beam toggles when you click on the any of the handles.

2. Star Wars Opening Crawl from 1977

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This tutorial demonstrates how to make a completely accurate version of the opening scene text crawl from the original Star Wars films. Complete with audio!

3. Pure CSS Storm Trooper

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Create a realistic storm trooper helmet using only CSS with this CodePen tutorial.

4. AT-AT Walker

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This snippet creates a detailed, animated AT-AT that walks and shoots lasers.

5. BB-8

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This snippet creates a CSS version of everyone’s favorite new droid, BB-8. BB-8 responds to mouse movements and will actually move left to right depending on which way you point your mouse.

6. Pure CSS Princess Leia

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Create a CSS rendering of Princess Leia and her iconic space buns using this code snippet.

7. Star Wars Menu Icon

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This snippet is a really interesting take on the traditional “hamburger” menu icon — instead of three boring lines, the lines of the menu icon are actually lightsabers that light up when they’re hovered upon and animate when clicked.

8. Pure CSS R2-D2

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Create an incredibly accurate pure CSS R2-D2 using this code snippet.

9. 3D Death Star

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Use this code snippet to create a 3D Death Star that spins in space.

10. HTML5 Canvas X-Wing Animation

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The x-wing plane in this code snippet is speeding past mountains and canyons just like it might in the Star Wars films.

How to Create a Fixed Header

Fixed headers are an increasingly popular trend for styling headers or navigation menus on your site. When you add a fixed header to a page, that means that the position of the header stays fixed (usually to the top of the page, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be positioned as such) no matter how far the user scrolls down the page. This feature is helpful for anyone who wants to make sure their users always have access to particular links or navigation no matter which part of the page they may be exploring.

If you think that adding a fixed header to any of your projects might be a good idea or, at the very least, a fun experiment, you’re in luck, because it’s actually pretty easy to do. Keep reading and we’ll walk you through the basic steps.


For a very, very basic fixed header structure, we used something like this:


<div class="header">
 <h1 class="header_logo">This is a Fixed Header</h1>
<div class="offset">
 <p>Scroll down to see the responsive header in action.</p>


It’s totally up to you what you want to include in your header. It could be navigation, links, a phone number or other contact info…the choice is completely yours. For the purposes of this demonstration, we just chose to include some text indicating that what you’re looking at is, in fact, a fixed header, and some content below that so we have something to scroll past.


We wanted our fixed header to be purple, but the color choice and style of your header is totally up to you. The only line of CSS you absolutely can’t do without if you want the header to be fixed is position: fixed, which in our code is applied to the .header selector. The size, color, positioning, padding, font-family, and pretty much everything else can be tailored to the needs of your project or site.

Check out the CSS below:

body {
 height: 1500px;
 font-family: "Montserrat";

.offset {
 margin-top: 0;
 padding-top: 270px;
 text-align: center;
 -webkit-transition: .3s;
 transition: .3s;

.header {
 position: fixed;
 width: 100%;
 height: 100px;
 font-weight: bold;
 text-align: center;
 background: #7F6FF0;
 -webkit-transition: .3s;
 transition: .3s;
 color: #fff;

.header_logo {
 font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif;
 margin: 0;
 padding-top: 8px;
 font-size: 30px;
 text-shadow: 3px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
 -webkit-transition: .3s;
 transition: .3s;

If you use the code above, this is how your fixed header should look:

Screen Shot 2016-12-20 at 8.53.55 AM

While you can’t really appreciate the whole fixed header effect from just a screenshot, trust us when we say that when you scroll down this page , you will scroll past the text and end up with the header still stuck to the to of the page. Add the code to any of your projects to see it in action for yourself!

CSS Snippets: Styling Breadcrumbs

In the famous old story of Hansel and Gretel, the children spread breadcrumbs behind them as they made their way into the woods. They left this trail of breadcrumbs so that they would always be able to find their way home. In web development, breadcrumbs are a navigational element that, much like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs, show you the path you took to get to the page you’re currently visiting, and allow you to retrace your steps, if you like. This helpful navigational element was actually named for the breadcrumbs in the old fairy tale.

While breadcrumbs are certainly a useful feature to add to any project, they’re often overlooked when it comes to adding style. Most of the time, they’re treated just like any other link in terms of style. If you want to add some flair to your breadcrumbs, check out the snippet below.


Here’s the easy part. For the purposes of this example, we’ll just use static HTML to create our breadcrumbs, which will be <li> elements within a <ul> tag.

<ul id="breadcrumb">
 <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-home"></i></a></li>
 <li><a href="#">Crumb 1</a></li>
 <li><a href="#">Crumb 2</a></li>
 <li><a href="#">Crumb 3</a></li>
 <li><a href="#">Crumb 4</a></li>

Here’s how it looks so far:

Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 5.23.21 PM

As you might be able to tell, we used a Font Awesome icon to indicate the home page. If you plan on using Font Awesome too, make sure you link to their library somewhere in the <head> section of your code. Here’s the link to their library:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


In the CSS, we’re going to give the breadcrumbs a nice arrow shape. This effect is achieved by utilizing the :before and :after pseudo-selectors (if you take a look at the code, you’ll see that all of the shaping of the breadcrumbs happens within the #breadcrumb li a:before and #breadcrumb li a:after selectors. If you’re interested in learning how to achieve that shaping, pay special attention to the uses of border and border-color within those selectors).

@import url(,700);

 font-family: 'Source Sans Pro';
 background-color: #d6fffb;

 list-style-type: none;
 display: inline-block;

#breadcrumb li{
 float: left;

#breadcrumb li a{
 color: #fff;
 display: block;
 background: #f40c81;
 text-decoration: none;
 position: relative;
 height: 40px;
 line-height: 40px;
 padding: 0 10px 0 5px;
 text-align: center;
 margin-right: 23px;

#breadcrumb li:nth-child(even) a:before{
 border-left-color: transparent;

#breadcrumb li:first-child a{
 padding-left: 15px;
 border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;

#breadcrumb li:first-child a:before{
 border: none;

#breadcrumb li:last-child a{
 padding-right: 15px;
 border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;

#breadcrumb li:last-child a:after{
 border: none;

#breadcrumb li a:before, #breadcrumb li a:after{
 content: "";
 position: absolute;
 top: 0;
 border: 0 solid #f40c81;
 border-width: 20px 10px;
 width: 0;
 height: 0;

#breadcrumb li a:before{
 left: -20px;
 border-left-color: transparent;

#breadcrumb li a:after{
 left: 100%;
 border-color: transparent;
 border-left-color: #f40c81;

#breadcrumb li a:hover{
 background: #7dd49a;

#breadcrumb li a:hover:before{
 border-color: #7dd49a;
 border-left-color: transparent;

#breadcrumb li a:hover:after{
 border-left-color: #7dd49a;

It’s a lot of CSS, but don’t worry, most of it is rather simple. Here’s what it looks like now:

Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 5.04.23 PM

Finishing Touches

Let’s add some polish to this design by adding a cool hover effect that changes the background color from pink to green when the breadcrumbs are hovered upon. Because the #breadcrumb li a:before and #breadcrumb li a:after make up part of the background of the breadcrumbs, it’s important to remember to include hover effect style rules for them too, or else your breadcrumbs could end up looking a little funky when a user hovers upon them.

#breadcrumb li a:hover{
 background: #7dd49a;

#breadcrumb li a:hover:before{
 border-color: #7dd49a;
 border-left-color: transparent;

#breadcrumb li a:hover:after{
 border-left-color: #7dd49a;

This is what your finished product should look like (notice that the hover effect is applied to Crumb 4).

Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 5.04.30 PM

WordPress or Drupal: Which One is Right for You?

WordPress and Drupal are both popular, powerful CMS platforms, and if you’re a web developer, chances are that you’re going to have to work with both of them at some point in your career. Most developers have their own preferences for which one they’d rather work with, and these preferences can sometimes be based on arbitrary things, like which platform you worked with first, or they can be based on more concrete reasoning, like your level of PHP skills.

The truth is, WordPress and Drupal, while both CMS platforms, are similar in the broadest of terms, but it many ways they are very, very different. Neither is better than the other, but each is definitely suited to different types of projects and different types of developers. If you’re not sure which is most suited to you and your project, read our analysis of the two CMS platforms below.


The greatest thing about WordPress is that it’s super user-friendly. The install only takes five minutes, and once you have everything set up, you can jump right in using any of the default themes, which are all responsive and feature clean, modern designs. With WordPress, it’s possible for even the most inexperienced developers to get a site up and running in a very short time frame.

If you’re not into any of the default themes, you’re in luck, because there are thousands of free and premium WordPress themes available, both from WordPress’s theme directory and from third parties, so you can make your site look great without the need for a developer or designer.

The other great thing about WordPress are the plugins. There are almost 50,000 free plugins available to add to your site, and they can all be added using your WordPress dashboards, so technically you don’t need to have any coding skills or FTP experience to add the plugins to your server (although it probably helps). Plugins are used primarily to add functionalities to your site, so WordPress is a great CMS option for people who are tech-savvy but not necessarily coders.

WordPress also has a great support community in the form of forums. If you have a question, chances are it has already been asked and answered somewhere in the archive. For all of these reasons, WordPress is the better CMS platform for people who don’t code, or for people who are new to coding. For a lot of developers, WordPress is the first CMS they use, which might explain why so many people have a preference for it, and why it’s a lot more popular than Drupal.


WordPress’s user-friendliness is limiting in a lot of ways. Drupal relies a lot more on code than WordPress does, and using the dashboard interface isn’t as intuitive for a beginner as using WordPress is — generally, when you’re using Drupal, you have to use a lot more PHP than when you’re working on WordPress. Because Drupal is a little more technical than WordPress, it’s also a lot more powerful and dynamic.

Drupal has a lot of free themes and plugins (in Drupal they’re called modules) available to download, but they often require a little more time and effort to get up and running than the ones on WordPress…the default theme in Drupal is neither beautiful or responsive. You can get some that are, but you’ll have to search for them on your own. Drupal’s capabilities, however, are greater than those of WordPress, and the performance of a Drupal site is usually better and faster than a WordPress one. Like WordPress, Drupal also has a great support community.

If you’re just learning to code, Drupal probably isn’t for you. You should know a decent amount of PHP before starting to work on a Drupal build. However, if you’ve got some PHP knowledge or a coding background and want to build a powerful, dynamic site, Drupal is probably the way to go.


Use WordPress if you’re a beginner, or if the person who’s going to be managing the site is a beginner or not a coder. WordPress is also a great platform to use if you’re an experienced coder but are building a blog, or a site for a business that doesn’t need many custom functionalities.

If you aren’t an absolute beginner and/or you want to create a dynamic site that can handle all different types of content and perform many custom functionalities, Drupal should be your CMS of choice.