JavaScript Control Input Field Caret Position or Move to End in Textboxes and Textareas

Long title, but then I felt like specifying parts of what I’ll be covering in this post. Anyway, so I’ll start by a not-so-common issue that some of us have encountered, which is, how to move the input caret (sometimes referred to as the keyboard cursor) to the end of an input field or a textarea on focus.

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Using Node Version Manager (NVM) to Manage Multiple Node.js Versions

Node Version Manager (NVM) is a neat little bash script that allows you to manage multiple versions of Node.js on the same box. A version manager really helps to test our applications under different versions of the related software.

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Using Underscore.string for String Manipulations in JavaScript

Underscore.string is an excellent string manipulation library (or helper) for Javascript that can be used with or without the nifty Underscore.js library. It can be used client side in browsers or server side with Node.js.

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Using the Node.js Bcrypt Module to Hash and Safely Store Passwords

Using bcrypt is the proper way to store passwords in your database regardless of whatever language your backend is built in – PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js, etc. Why ? Here’s the answer.

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Strategies for Select Dropdown Lists Placeholder

HTML5 brings us the placeholder attribute using which we can set default text on an input field or a textarea that goes away when you focus in the field and then write something. What about placeholders for select dropdowns ?

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Using CoffeeScript over JavaScript in your Node.js Application or Module

If you’ve wanted to code your next Node.js app in CoffeeScript then it ain’t that hard. Since coffeescript is just a little language that compiles down to javascript it is pretty much compatible with node.js. Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which you can execute your node.js script (written in coffeescript).

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