Custom Validation Messages for HTML5 Form Constraints

Well, we already know that with HTML5 from constraints, client side form validation has become super easy. All we have to do is use attributes like required, maxlength, pattern, step, etc. and/or the correct form type like email, phone, number, etc. and then once the user submits the form, the browser prompts invalid messages if the form is not entirely valid. Although it might not really be a requirement but from a coolness perspective I thought I’ll share the fact that the error messages can be customized.

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JavaScript Fire onSubmit Event Handler Programmatically by Calling form.submit()

Unless you code your web pages in vanilla javascript, you’ll probably not notice this but when you do it’ll quite baffle you that the event listener you attach to a form’s submit event using addEventListener or onSubmit will not be invoked when you submit the form directly like this – form.submit().

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