How to find the square root of a number with Python

Being passionate about maths, I have started to explore some basic Python modules which can help to put in practice mathematical theory. During my years in high school, I had to deal a lot with exercises that require the square root of a number. For those of you who don’t know, in mathematics, the square root of a number is y such that y*y equals that number. Continue reading “How to find the square root of a number with Python”

How to use Python as a calculator

Python computer programming language is a very useful utility for those who know how to properly make use of it. Being very rich in features, this computer technology offers many builtin utilities which can be used to accomplish many different tasks, from simple to very advanced.

Been using the Python computer programming language for some time, I can truly say that it is very flexible. Through this article, you are going to learn how to make use of Python to perform some basic arithmetic operations. Continue reading “How to use Python as a calculator”

How to make use of the grep utility on Unix based machines

There are many command line utilities offered by the Unix based machines; each one of them can be utilized to accomplish a certain task. Been using linux for quiet some time now, I am really glad about the command line based tools offered by it, utilities which can be used through the terminal application. Continue reading “How to make use of the grep utility on Unix based machines”

How to download videos from YouTube with Python on Unix based machines

There are times when one needs to download videos from the famous online platform YouTube, be it a movie with episodes or material related to studies. Although many tools which can help the user to easily download videos from YouTube exist on the Internet, most of them do not offer the functionalities that meet the requirements of a heavy Python geek. Continue reading “How to download videos from YouTube with Python on Unix based machines”

How to write your first class in Python

Many beginners on the path of learning the Python computer programming language face a lot of struggle when they deal with intermediate concepts and utilities such as functions and classes. Having experienced a lot of struggle myself with class objects in the beginning of my journey as a coder, I decided to share some knowledge with the main purpose of easing the learning process of those passionate beginners who are completely new to some of the most important concepts in object oriented programming. Continue reading “How to write your first class in Python”

How to properly read and write a text file with Python

The Python computer programming language is so rich in features that it offers many ways to accomplish a specific task, but based on my personal experience with it, only a few ways are being used and accepted by those who get paid to write professional code daily. Not that it is totally wrong to write the code in your own way, but it is highly recommended to stay updated with the best practices which very skilled computer programmers make use of.
Continue reading “How to properly read and write a text file with Python”

Five ffmpeg commands every video geek should know about

FFmpeg is a leading multimedia framework which offers command line utilities to deal with video, audio and image files. Having some experience with FFmpeg, I can truly say that it is a great framework which can be utilized by the heavy computer geek to process their multimedia files. Not only is the FFMpeg multimedia framework free of charge, but it is also open source, which means that those who have some coding experience in the C programming language can study its components and also customize them based on their specific needs. Continue reading “Five ffmpeg commands every video geek should know about”